It's not all that complicated for Democrats to hold the Senate. It really isn't. And from the largest state in the union, Alaska, comes the way to do it.
Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) released a new statewide radio ad Monday in which he hits his Republican opponents for their records on abortion, contraceptive coverage, equal pay and the minimum wage.
President Obama asked the most salient question of Republicans regarding Obamacare and they still haven't answered -- Why is the GOP so determined to keep millions of Americans off of affordable health care?
Begich points out Democrats have to ask their opponents why they feel women are second class citizens, incapable of taking care of themselves. Why are they letting old white men tell them what they can and cannot do with their bodies? Why shouldn't women get the same pay for the same job as a man? Why not raise the minimum wage? The last vote on minimum wage was 2007. Isn't it time we bump it up to a livable wage? And though this is not an gender issue per se:
Center For American Progress Action Fund:
In 2011 more than 62 percent of minimum-wage workers were women compared to just 38 percent of male minimum-wage workers. Slightly more than 2.5 million women earn the minimum wage or less, while approximately 1.5 million men do. This imbalance is even more drastic once you consider that women were just 46.9 percent of all employed workers in 2011.
If Democrats run on these issues, as well as immigration reform, they're going to hold the Senate. The House Dems need to take on and point out the same forceful issues, plus tabbing the $26 Billion cost of the Republican-led government shutdown and million more on 50+ votes against Obamacare to their campaigns. The refusal to vote on the unemployment extension will also take its toll on the Republicans. They're not looking as rosy red as they might try to make us believe. They are truly vulnerable despite gerrymandering and voter repression. Reclaiming the House altogether isn't totally outside of reality, though it's going to take huge get-out-the-vote organization.
This isn't rocket science. It's common sense.
Republicans have watched with rising alarm as female voters, especially younger and unmarried ones, have moved toward Democratic hopefuls. Democrats have exploited inarticulate or sexist remarks by some Republicans and harsh antiabortion measures passed in GOP-led legislatures or sponsored by party candidates.
So let's keep reminding the populace of the Republican "Hos and Bitches" way of addressing women and their issues. The lawless Republican Party of Cliven Bundy supporters is making noise. But with common sense and our votes, we can defeat them.
The post Sen. Begich Debuts Outline For Democrats To Retain Senate appeared first on The Political Carnival.