Sometimes watching someone squirm makes us feel uncomfortable. But when they bring it on themselves, not so much. CNN's Erin Burnett had Iraq Warlord and Bush confident and liar-in-chief Paul Bremer on her show last night. He didn't last long. A bob, a weave and then Burnett landed blow after blow against this fraud masquerading as a man. Without any doubt, he's lucky Obama didn't prosecute him for war crimes and treason against this country. And how does he repay this generosity? He blames Obama for what he (Bremer) left behind.
If you want to see the Thrilla in Vanilla, The Battle of the B's, or The Bremer's Bash, here you go-- front row seats. Better put on some plastic clothing. Erin draws blood early. Watch the cut over Bremer's eye when Erin quickly attacks on this CNN clip:
"People, a lot of people are watching you right now and they're —they're hearing you give your ideas of what to do. And they're saying, 'but aren't you the guy who got us in this mess?'"
"Look, you're the guy who ran Iraq for George W. Bush."
The post Paul Bremer Gets Reamed A New A**hole By Erin Burnett appeared first on The Political Carnival.